Friday, August 15, 2014

Most of us do it, one time or another.

But how does prayer work?

Some people think of an elderly white man with flowing beard, hair, and robes who listens to and hears every prayer and makes decisions such as yes, no, or wait.  

Others argue that God must have a large warehouse filled with accounting type clerks that process all incoming prayers, catalog, process, and examine each prayer for contrasting appeals.  Prayers like,  let my football team win today, are immediately sent to the round file never to be seen again.  And then there are prayers for personal wealth and bargains like, God let me win the lottery and I will split it 50-50 with you.  Those are cast aside too.   Then the clerks have to decide between two conflicting prayers from one person.  That person might pray that a neighbor be damned and then on Sunday pray for blessing for his or her neighbors.  Those kinds of prayer cancel each other out.  Its a big job.

Luckily after much prayer and study and reflection I have figured out how prayer works. As we know God is a spirit of godliness that fills the universe not just our own neighborhood our country or our planet.  The Spirit of God fills the entire universe with a powerful compassion and love and goodness that is beyond our ability to comprehend.  

Every person that connects to God in any religion, faith or belief in anyway is connected to the limitless passion, the Spirit of God.  Furthermore we are all connected to each other in that same enormous invisible cloud of spirituality.  When we pray at our kitchen table our neighbor down the street or a world away does not know that we are praying or what we are praying for.  We are connected to the Spirit by our faith and desire to do all the good we can all the time we can.  If our prayers are in keeping with the Spirit that entire universe of good and positive energy connects to make positive things happen.  

So when our child or parent or spouse or friend and even ourselves need help the power of that Spirituality moves in unison to answer that prayer.  The Apostle Paul wrote that we should be in prayer constantly.  He was a bright bloke and did not mean we are to be on our knees night and day, but to be connected to God constantly.  We all fall short of that with human weaknesses like temper and lust and selfishness to name a few failings but we come to our senses, ask forgiveness and resume or place with the Spirit.  Sometimes it takes a lot of prayer by many people to make things work.  But it is not necessary.  One person praying and living the prayer works too.  

The thing most of us do not do is pray and listen.  The listening part is just as important as the praying part.  I have found at just the right time God will answer sometimes in a voice you can hear as if it was next to you.  That's quite startling let me tell you and for me is rare.  Mostly I here God in a whisper in my head and it comes quickly and is very short.   I was frustrated with parishioners and lifted my face to God and asked. "God how can you love these people?"  God answered very quickly, "It is yours to love them."  Usually the answer is not what I wanted to here but there it is.  The exact right answer.  Another time I asked, "Why do I have to deal with these people."  Again the answer I did not want came quickly and clearly, "It is to these that I have sent you."   One time I was questioning why God did things the way he did.  I struggled with the question for years.  Finally God spoke to me in audible voice behind me.  "You have worked on this long enough.  I have something else for you to do."  That led me to the ministry.  

Prayer sometimes takes a long time.  We grow weary but if we don't interfere and try to take over for God, God will work things out.  I believe too that if we are truly wronged God has said, "Revenge is mine, I will repay."  It may take years but I have found God does repay in God's time.   

It is important to be aligned and harmony with God's will for all creation.  Self centered and selfish and vindictive attitudes do not keep us connected to the Spirit.   It takes introspection and meditation to expect answer to prayer.  

Any questions?